CAVALIERI TJ (Ignacio Cavalieri)
I was born in Chivilcoy, 160km from the city of Buenos Aires, the same city of Pascual Contursi and Argentino Galván. In the 90s I moved to Buenos Aires where I learned to dance ("I'm still learning").
In 2005 I traveled to Europe and there I began to organize milongas, play music at them and collect records, settling in Ibiza (Spain), my current city of residence for more than 10 years.
I love tango and I live as a gift to make people dance by sharing my music, both through my vinyl records and digital media. I am a regular musician at milongas in Ibiza. With my computer I have played music in Argentina, Italy, Spain and Thailand and I have taken my records to editions of the festivals: "Workshop Milonga Sevilla", "Krakow Vinyl Marathon de Oro", "Roma Tango Festival", "Ibiza Tango Love", "Long Tango Weekend -Chur" among others.
I share my albums and my musical tastes on the Youtube channel:

Roberto Chas-Tj
I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and I have listened to and loved tango all my life. I care about the spirit of each tanda and the “color” of each orchestra and each tango above any other musical criteria. I give a lot of importance to the stories that tangos tell, even the instrumental ones, and to the sensations they leave on the dance floor.
When I make music, I have the sensation of dancing with the whole dance floor as a partner, and after so many years, it still strikes me that, being so far away, so many people from such remote and diverse places get excited about something that was always so familiar to me.
I cannot point to an orchestra that is my favorite because it depends on the moment, the environment, and an endless number of parameters. But the truth is that I am especially comfortable with D'arienzo and I am dazzled by the range of sensations that it awakens depending on the time and the singer.
Over the last few years I have performed at many festivals (Oviedo, Pamplona, Bilbao, Madrid, the Canary Islands) and regular milongas (Yunta Brava, Suerte Loca, Amarras) in Spain and at some international festivals and milongas in Germany and France. Now I am excited about the return of Emérita, it was one of the first festivals I went to dance at and being part of the return thrills me.

Ciudad Real- Spain
He is a musician, dancer and teacher. Trained by the teacher Alejandra Sabena, he began teaching in 2010 in Ciudad Real, and in 2013 he began to play music at milongas, gatherings and festivals in Spain.
“I am a milonguero and I play what I would like to dance, that is the essence for me. The sense of playing music (like dancing) comes from wanting to share your emotions, to share a hug from a distance, and when that happens, it is wonderful. See you at Emérita Tango!”

María Azahara Cruz
She has been dedicated to learning and teaching tango for more than 25 years, which she learned about thanks to Paca Fernández, her teacher and mentor.
During these years she has had the opportunity to continue learning with important figures of tango such as Carlos Gavito, Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel, Pablo Veron, Gustavo Naviera, Mariana Montes and Roberto Herrera among many others, which has enriched her style and refined her teaching method.
Her interest in other disciplines such as theatre and contact-improvisation, which she currently incorporates into her lessons, has also contributed to this.
Azahara is Spanish and has worked in Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Argentina and Italy, a country where she has lived for more than 15 years.
A further complement to her work in the world of tango is her activity as a music composer.
Her selections always have the ability to surprise.
After providing music for the first two editions of the 'Emérita Tango Marathon', she returns with renewed energy, enthusiasm and a great desire to have fun and have fun.

Diego Rodríguez
Badajoz- Spain
He has been teaching tango in Badajoz and Mérida for more than 22 years, together with 'Patita TJ' (Paca Fernández).
He is the organizer, together with her, of the Emérita Tango Marathon and the milongas La Maleva and Bomboncito.
His selections have been danced at events and milongas in Mérida, Seville, Oviedo, Jerez de la Frontera, Ciudad Real…
A tireless and meticulous researcher.
His selections will never leave you indifferent, due to their elegance and balance.
Paca Fernández Rebella
'Patita TJ ' Badajoz- Spain
Founder of the Sueños Dance School, Tanguera Art and Dance Studio and La Maleva Art-Café.
She has taught Argentine tango for eleven years at the Contemporary Leisure Centre (C.O.C) in Badajoz together with Diego Rodríguez.
In her professional development she has chosen and specialised in Argentine Tango, to which she has dedicated all her efforts almost exclusively for almost 30 years.
The love and passion she feels for Tango can be seen in her selections.
She has provided music for events in Spain and milongas in Spain and Italy.
Bárbara Palmer
She currently directs and provides music for Milonga del Puerto and DolceVita milonga in Valencia.
She has a long career as an organizer and music producer for milongas. Since 2005, she has been involved in La Milonga Madrid, El Apronte and Re Menor in Madrid and Pensalo Bien in Valencia (the last two were active until the pandemic). She has also been invited as a Tango DJ to tango events in Spain and Europe.
She combines this activity with that of a tango dancer and teacher.
María Victoria Cruz
Madrid -Spain
A dancer and tango teacher with a long experience under her belt, as tango came into her life at a very early age.
Her curiosity about music and the history of tango led her to develop her role as a Tdj, an activity she has been doing for several years.
This same curiosity also leads her to ensure that in her selections, there is always a balance between the sensual and the passionate.
A regular Tdj at Madrid's milongas, as well as being the organizer and Tdj of the Yunta Brava milonga in Madrid.